Saturday 6 May 2023

What a Cowboy rules try-out

Dave and I tried out the new 'What a Cowboy' rules from the TFL last week. We used to play Dead Man's Hand quite a bit a few years ago so I already had all the buildings and figures and, from the You Tube videos, WAC seemed like an interesting set of rules so everything came out of the various boxes it had been stored in for a game!

We went for four characters each for the first game, I chose Bandito's (not that there is any difference between the gangs in WAC). From left to right Tuco (Gunslinger), Big Pedro (Shootist), Ramon (Greenhorn) and Jesus (Greenhorn):

Big Pedro cautiously advances down Main Street:

A Chuck Wagon picks up supplies outside the General Store:

One of Dave's men takes up position on the balcony of the Grand Hotel:

Jesus dodges a shot and takes a pinned marker:

He makes it into cover but is shot in the guts and out of the fight!

Tuco and Ramon exchange shots with Dave's men hiding behind the wagon:

One of Dave's men enters the Saloon, one of the few buildings I actually did interiors for before realising how much effort it would be to do them all:

Big Pedro is shot dead! With only two men left and Dave's gang having taken no losses my gang calls it a day and retires:

With it being our first attempt at the rules (and myself having barely looked at them) we did quite a few things wrong but it was a good learning experience to encourage further reading of the rules!

Based on this game the combat system seems more interesting than DMH but the characterisation of the individuals is far less varied especially as it does not include the concept of different gangs with varying abilities relating to their type which was the best thing about DMH. Perhaps it will be possible to combine WAC gameplay with DMH gangs and character traits.....  

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