Sunday 2 January 2022

2021 in Review Part One: Gaming

Looking back I've played 31 games over 2021 which is really quite remarkable considering I spent three months in hospital, another month at least recovering and have not played a game at the club all year!

This has only been possible thanks to the kind efforts of my friends who have been fantastic, coming to play me at home which has been most appreciated (and of course my wife who has generously allowed her home office to be converted into my temporary wargames club room!). If anyone had told me in February that I'd have played 31 games by the end of the year I'd not have believed them.....

So, what I have I actually played?

Chain of Command

Nine games in total, five using the Home Guard in the Basildon campaign, three with the Soviets in the many rivers to cross campaign and one each for the Germans and Japanese. I'm still really enjoying CoC and the Basildon campaign was probably the highlight of the year for me gaming wise, I'd watched Gary, Dave and Jerry play it out over Zoom in hospital and I really enjoyed playing it myself against Gary even though the poor Home Guard had few successes!

Art de la Guerre

Second most popular with eight games in total was ADLG (Kushite Egyptian, Early Carthaginian twice, Early Imperial Roman, Late Imperial Roman, Early Byzantine (twice) and Teutonic Knights). Oddly enough I've got more into ADLG this year, partly due to enthusiasm for using my old 25mm armies and partly due to it being a game that requires less effort when I feel tired than most other games!


Only three games this year (French, Russians and Austrians) all of which I greatly enjoyed as usual. I also had a solo try out of some modifications for the FPW which look interesting.

Cruel Seas

Three games here as well (Japanese, USN and British). There is a fair bit of variety in Cruel Seas with the different fleets having their own advantages and disadvantages. There are also some interesting scenarios available to make the games even more varied. 


Only two games this year (Americans and Soviets), as ever very thoughtful and I'm sure once I get back to the club Andy will be happy to resume our battles!

For King and Parliament

Two games (both with Royalists) saw the 28mm ECW/TYW army finally take to the table! I'm not that keen on the rules but they are okay and it was great to get the army out finally.

Sharp Practice

One game, the Peninsular British against French. I still find SP a bit static and not as interesting as CoC but again was good to get an army I painted a long time ago on the table.

Infamy, Infamy

A single game using my ADLG Late Romans. Infamy has not really taken off for me and I'm not quite sure why! Having painted up two armies for it this is perhaps unfortunate.

Kiss me Hardy!

The only 'new' set of rules I've played this year and a late entry as it was the last game of the year for me. Admittedly I used my Spanish as French making them somewhat better but I have to say I enjoyed it a lot more than Black Seas, it seemed easier to play and the differences in quality were not so marked. While the Black Seas games were more well-it's-nice-to-get-them-on-the-table I think KMH has a lot more potential for actually enjoying the games not just the look of it!

What had dropped off the radar in 2021?

Fire and Fury

Still keen to play and when I think about it playing at home we could perhaps play some of the bigger scenarios as I could set everything up before the game day and we would just have to play giving us more time. Ideally I'll get some games in this year.

The Men of Company B

I really like these rules and my collection but I haven't yet persuaded anyone else to try them and I tend to save my energy for games against actual opponents rather than solo games. 

The Men who would be Kings

Another set of rules where I don't mind playing but with limited game time I've just not got around to playing.

Black Seas

As mentioned above I suspect I will prefer KMH so I can't see me playing these again.

What could be added in 2022?

Bag the Hun

I'm interested in trying these TFL rules for WW2 air combat. Having bought a copy of 'Check your 6!' and found them extremely complicated while 'Wings of Glory WW2' is a bit simplistic I'm hoping BtH will be somewhere between the two!


Sam Mustafa's lower level version of Blucher looks interesting but seems rather more complicated than Blucher. Given how much I like Blucher I'm not sure I'll try these much but might give them a go.

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