Saturday 25 June 2022

Back from the dead! Evil fantasy army

When I went through my lead pile a few years ago one of the things I found was a 15mm fantasy army. I had no idea why I bought it, where I bought it or even what make the figures were. The box contained a Salute limited figure of George and the Dragon dated 2005 which I vaguely remember throwing in the box as it was a 'fantasy' figure so the figures must have languished in the box unloved for at least 17 years!

Looking at them again I thought they'd be a useful further test for using the recently acquired Army Painter speed paints so I cleaned some up, undercoated them and painted a few up very speedily. They went so well that, inevitably, I ordered some more having eventually found out they were from Alternative Armies.  

First up some generic Orcs/Goblins I've decided to christen the 'Skull Crushers' in close order:

Loose order Orcs/Goblins, the 'Bone Breakers':

Fire support from the 'Pig Stickers':

Heavier fire support from the 'Bolters':

Mounted component of the army, the 'Wolf Brothers':

Commanders or chariots, the 'Soul Reapers':

The poor wolves pulling these seem rather underpowered!:

The 'Death Whisperers':

Mounted 'Death Whisperers':

Bill and Ben the troll men:

Grizzler the Giant (and he really is a Giant!):

Darko the Demon:

Pyro the Dragon:

Finally Grunt the Wildman:

Using the speed paints really worked well I think, I honestly reckon cleaning up, undercoating and basing the figures took longer than painting them! They are painted in a fairly basic style with a limited palette but I think overall and from a normal table viewing distance they look fine.

They could probably do with a load of command stands adding with flags and some shield designs which would improve the overall look a lot I think. I especially like the 'Death Whisperers' (obviously based on the Black Riders from LoTR) and the wolf riders, the chariots are also nice.

The other vague reason for finally completing these figures was that my club mate Simon, who produced the Renaissance supplement for ADLG, is going to start on a Fantasy version which should be interesting. As a starting point I assume all 'normal' troop types translate to their ADLG equivalent while everything else equals an elephant or expendable!

At least they are painted and ready for action now to emerge from the darkness of a cardboard box for the last 17 years! 

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