Another game of WVBA, this time with Jerry and Dave. In this one Jerry and Dave held a position on the Nile while I had the Camel Corps attempting to bring supplies to the garrison.
It looks a long way across some dangerous terrain for the Camel Corps. Hopefully the garrison will quickly come out to meet them:
The Camel Corps begins to march towards the Nile:
A random event sees some unidentified natives approaching the column. Luckily they turn out to be some goat herders whose goats are quickly added to the baggage train!
The first Dervishes approach, moving towards Jerries command:
More head towards the Camel Corps:
The Dervish attack on the garrison is disjointed:
They are repulsed with heavy losses:
The Dervishes attacking Jerry have more success, almost breaking through:
The Camel Corps also comes under attack:
The Hussars and infantry withdraw firing:
It's those Camel warriors again!
Rifles blast away as the column is assailed on all sides:
There is no let up by the Nile either:
The Camel Corps desperately fights on, many Dervishes have fallen but more are on their way!
The battered Hussars launch a desperate charge into the rear of the Dervish camel warriors:
A moment of calm, the baggage has made good progress but some of the Camel Corps units are at the end of their strength:
The calm does not last, yet more Dervishes appear:
The Hussars make one last charge to keep the Dervishes back:
While the Hussars are dispersed the infantry manage to repel the Dervish foot:
With this we ended the game, the baggage would get through to the Nile but the British took some losses (much of Dave and Jerry's fight I didn't take pictures of).
Dave's officer ended with the highest reputation again, partly based on his ability to 'kill steal' units from Jerry and to a lesser extent me! As the Camel Corps commander I felt there had been a lack of support from the Nile garrison in general and, in Dave's case, a distinct tendency to fail to advance on the enemy. I wouldn't use the term 'lack of moral fibre' myself but others may do. Words would certainly be exchanged in camp afterwards!
Certainly a bit different from our usual games, I guess the big disadvantage for me is that I can't be the Dervishes!