Thursday 4 July 2019

Sharp Practice AWI British v Rebels

We thought as it was July 4th yesterday last night's game should be an American War of Independence Sharp Practice.

Gary and Cley, being of American extraction, took the Rebels while Mike and I had the redoubtable British. Mike was commanding the British infantry while I had the cavalry and artillery.

The scenario was that Thomas Jefferson had written the draft of the Declaration of Independence and was ready to distribute it. Unfortunately the British had got wind of this and decided to attempt to capture the declaration! The sneaky rebels had sent out three messengers, one with the actual copy and two with dummies. Two messengers were on the road with the final one still in the Jefferson home:

The British quickly established a strong position in the Jefferson House and captured their first messenger:

The Rebels were slow to react as the British Legion cavalry close in on the second messenger:

The British continue to strengthen their position in the farm:

The Loyalist cavalry captures the second messenger:

Finally the Rebels get their act together and advance on the Jefferson House:

The Rebel cavalry attempt to attack but take heavy fire:

The Rebels form up to advance. In the background a strong column of Continental Line attack the farm:

The two captured messengers are being escorted off the field while the farm is under heavy attack:

The Rebel cavalry flee while the Militia look on:

The British take some losses but repulse the Continentals:

The farm is now securely under the control of the British:

British Light Dragoons gallop into contact with some Militia skirmishers:

The skirmishers are wiped out by the Dragoons. Rebel morale has broken and they flee the field. They did manage to get the third messenger to safety though:

So with the battle over it was time to see who had the actual copy of the Declaration. On a roll of 1 to 4 the British would have it, on a 5 or 6 the Rebels. The die was thrown and came up 1 so the British won the day!

Another enjoyable game and the two players per side worked well. As ever with TFL games the British had the best of the luck with the initial deployment allowing them to set up a strong position in the farm before the Rebels got their act together.

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