Friday 25 October 2024

Test of Honour Campaign two: Games 1 and 2

After starting off a campaign with Simon such is the enthusiasm for ToH at the moment I started another one with Gary! Again I decided to use the typical force rather than my Rogues and Ruffians, though some of them may appear later on in the campaign.

As last time the first game has a single Hero with a few followers battling it out for sumpremacy:

My Ashigaru rush ahead of their somewhat skulking Hero:

Gary's Hero moves up to engage them:

My Hero makes up for lost time:

Spears thrust to and fro:

Gary's Hero is knocked down but fights on:

My Hero is unable to finish off the enemy Ashigaru:

First man down! My Archer shoots Gary's:

Gary's Hero is subdued and captured giving me the win:

After a severe beating Gary's Hero is released to try to take his revenge in Game 2. This time my Clan is defending the outpost:

The first action sees my off table Companion arrive quickly and immediately try to slow down the enemies advance:

He quickly cuts down a lone Ashigaru spearman:

Meanwhile Gary's Companion finishes off one of my Ashigaru forcing the others to flee:

My companion moves on to the Teppu men:

Unfortunately he gets the worst of the fight and is clubbed down:

Meanwhile a savage battle is developing for control of the three objectives:

Gary's Clan are forced back:

They quickly regroup and return to the fight:

My Hero is knocked down resulting in three Ashigaru bowmen heroically holding off the enemy hordes:

One of the bowmen is down but my Hero is back on his feet and heading to the fight again:

The game lasts five turns and at the end after a tense last move I hold one objective while the other two are contested holding on for the win:

Both games were very close and the second one I thought my guys would fail to hold on in the last turn. One good thing about ToH is that as the campaign progresses the characters can evolve so already there is a bit of a difference between the two forces which should make future games more interesting.

The next game I'll be playing is games 3 and 4 with Simon so more ToH to come!

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