Sunday, 16 February 2025

ADLG Early Byzantine v African Vandal

More ADLG practice for Gordon, in this game my veteran Early Byzantine army took on Gordon's African Vandals.

The two armies deploy with the Byzantines refusing their left and hoping to overwhelm the Vandals on the right:

Initial contact sees Hun light horse (elite) facing Moors as they attempt to delay the Vandals on the left:

On the right Byzantine javelinmen rush forwards to secure the rough terrain. If the ambush markers contain troops this could be unwise:

As suspected they don't have anyone though and the Byzantine cavalry continue their advance with the Skoutati defending the camp:

On the left the massed Vandals are attempting to outflank the Byzantines:

On the right though the Byzantines should have the advantage:

Skirmishers from both sides battle for the upper hand:

The Byzantines lose out, time for the heavier cavalry:

The heavy cavalry attempt to restore the position, the Hun light cavalry in the field hope they survive their attempt to guard the flank:

On the left the Vandal outflanking move is making progress and the Byzantines are in trouble:

The Moorish allied general on the right has survived so far against all the odds but finally goes down in a hail of arrows:

On the left the Byzantines have managed to form a more coherent line:

The line is short lived though:

On the right the Byzantines mop up the remaining Moors and Vandal infantry:

The Skoutati finally come into the battle, advancing on the Vandal cavalry:

Both armies are only a base or two away from breaking! Who will fall first?

It's the Byzantines as the Skoutati get charged in the flank and fall:

A very close game which could easily have gone my way especially as I made a bit of a blunder on the last turn, I could probably have stopped Gordon charging the Skoutati in the flank (though equally that would have exposed a couple of Hun light cavalry to probable death). 

It's always great to get the veteran Byzantines out, still campaigning after all these years!

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