Friday 20 November 2020

Rommel terrain build

One of the banes of wargaming is the sheer variety of different terrain you need to play, especially if you play in a number of periods and scales. One game where I think my terrain collection is poor is for Rommel in 10mm. 

I tend to just buy terrain as I don't greatly enjoy making it but for Rommel with the rather specific size limitations (each piece needs to fit in a 15 x 15cm square with room for the troops) I thought I'd try making some.

Mountains carved out of polystyrene:

Rivers that flow around 90 degree bends from Warbases and a couple of marshes:

Some fields from model railway grass mat, hedges and walls suitable for bocage terrain:

I think I'll probably paint the tops of all the mountains brown as they will fit in better with the Steppe mat I have for the Russians and the desert mat. I've bought a load of small pine trees as well so I can now do pine forests and had already got some nice buildings. 

I'm not totally happy with them but they are better than I had before so I guess that's progress!

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