Saturday 9 July 2022

Space Weirdo's Game 6: The Big Boss

Having missed game 5 in which the gang was attacked by Nova Corp heavies while celebrating in the pub Steed made a return for Game 6, the final confrontation with the head of the Nova Corp mining corporation. 

The gang had to break into the heavily guarded HQ compound and take control of the site. With only six gang members able to participate there was sadly no room for Mrs Peel!

As ever Gary and Jack's terrain was excellent:

The head of Nova Corp is in the office at the back. The compound is surrounded by a force field fence that needs to be disabled before the gang can enter by turning off the power in the bottom left building:

Steed and Zap Auto-cannon arrive in style in the Space Bentley and move down the elevator into the compound:

The rest of the gang wait outside for the power to be turned off:

Psycho Dave faces off a robotic guard dog:

Guards and gang members exchange fire:

Steed uses his 'Saville Row' stealth suit to sneak up to the generator building:

The interior of the HQ: 

Nova Corp boss plus the obligatory 'Mad Scientist': 

Steed enters the generator room and turns the power off: 

Two guards appear, Steed knocks one down with his deadly umbrella: 

The other pushes Steed back though and he dives for cover: 

While this was going on things had been going badly for the gang with three members down and only Steed and Space Ravi alive in the compound. The situation was very grim indeed as hordes of guards rushed towards Steed: 

A hail of fire puts Steed down and out but not (yet) dead with the guards closing in for the kill! Can anything save him at the last minute?!

Remarkably, YES IT CAN. In true pulp style Space Ravi runs through the largely denuded of guards HQ complex, cuts down the Nova Corp boss and takes control, immediately deactivating all the guards! Steed lives to fight another day....

A tough finale to what was a fun series of games. Gary and Jack's scenarios were all great fun and really brought to life by the wonderful terrain they built. Participants varied each game with everyone enjoying it greatly despite my tendency to refer to the other members of the gang as 'incidental characters'!

One of the gang, Neil, did a newspaper style write-up of the last game:
It also of course gave me an opportunity to use the Steed and Mrs Peel figures I'd painted up which I never thought I'd use (the Bentley at least made some appearances in 24 hours to Basildon CoC PSC!).


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