Tuesday, 11 December 2018

ADLG Medieval Polish v Medieval German

I have a large number of Eastern European medieval figures that used to see a lot of action back in the days of DBM as a variety of armies but principally Lithuanian. Unfortunately Lithuanians are pretty awful in ADLG so when I arranged a game against Ted's Medieval Germans using Polish was a suitable historical opponent.

I went with a shooting heavy army, six mounted medium crossbowmen, lots of light horse, some mixed spear/crossbow foot and a few elite impetuous knights.

The battlefield was very constricted with Ted putting down three large woods/hills that took up half the table. With small Medieval armies this wasn't that big an issue though!

I deployed commands of knights, crossbow cavalry and light horse on my left with the foot in the centre. The right was largely ignored apart from a few horse archers. Ted had a smallish command of knights and blades on his right, a large group of pikes and dismounted knights in the centre and another small knight command on his left:

The Polish line-up:

The Germans, looking remarkably Teutonic:

As I was attacking I rushed forward all my left flank missile cavalry to try to inflict some damage on Ted's right flank forces and hold his infantry back as far as possible:

Ted charged forward with his Swordsmen on my left flank forcing my crossbow cavalry to evade but giving some of the Polish Knights an opportunity to charge home themselves into the now isolated swordsmen:

The German infantry continued to advance on the Polish mixed spear and crossbow line. They took a few hits but it was starting to look unlikely the Polish line would stand for long once the Germans got into contact. On the Polish left things were going well however with the outnumbered German's starting to take losses and having to move their left flank Knights over to try to shore up their position:

The left flank Polish were now scattered but had disposed of most of the Germans in front of them. The German Knights from the left flank had not managed to arrive in time to save the situation and were now in danger of being overwhelmed themselves:

The view from the German lines:

The German infantry have finally contacted the Polish Spear/Crossbow line and started to cut them down. However, losses are mounting quickly for the rest of the German army:

 With a few more losses German morale collapses and victory goes to the Poles:

All in all another interesting ADLG game which looked good for the Germans initially as the Poles didn't really have any answer to the large German pike block. However, the difficulty of changing direction for the pikes meant they couldn't really move to support their collapsing left flank easily so it was overwhelmed before the pikes could have a big impact on the battle.

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