Monday, 15 October 2018

ADLG Carthaginians v Numidians

Another outing for the 25mm Carthaginians with their new generals, this time against Gordon's rebellious Numidian army. I chose a waterway on my left flank and a road, the Numidians added some fields and a gully most of which fell on my right.

The Carthaginians won the initiative and decided to attack. First out for the Numidians was a mixed command of light horse and swordsmen on the Numidian right and an elephant together with a second command of javelin men and light foot in the Numidian centre:
The Carthaginians deployed Hannibal with a substantial force of cavalry and light horse with Spanish Scutarii and an elephant on their left:
In the centre the Carthaginians had some Gaul's and Spanish cavalry commanded by Mago:
The Carthaginian deployment was completed with the Libyans, Balearic slingers and Numidians on the right under Massinissa:
The Numidian left consisted of a similar mixed command of elephants, swordsmen and light horse:

Hannibal and Mago opened the battle by advancing quickly on their Numidian opponents. Massinissa held back holding the right flank with the African Spearmen and the slingers in a field:
The Numidians retired their mixed swordsmen and elephant command on their left covered by some light horse. The centre dithered rather just sending forward some skirmishers while the Numidian left dashed forward towards Massinissa:
The Carthaginian cavalry charged home on the left while the Spanish and elephant continued to advance:
 In the centre Mago pushed on with the Gaul's and Spanish cavalry:
On the right Massinissa also pushed on while the rebel Numidians somewhat surprisingly tried to force the Balearic slingers from the fields with light horse:
Battle was now joined all along the line with the rebel Numidians taking losses:
 The Gaul's are about to charge home:
On the Carthaginian left most of the Numidians have been dispersed:
 In the centre the Gaul's and Spanish cavalry are making good progress:
On the left Massinissa is holding on well and the Numidian light horse who attacked the Balearic slingers in the fields have been destroyed:
Much of the Numidian centre is gone now as well, although the Carthaginians have some casualties the Numidian army is broken by it's losses and flees!

This was a very 'bitty' game in which the elements became scattered all over the battlefield. I think Gordon suffered firstly from a lack of terrain to hide in and secondly as they were defending and were quickly pinned back by the Carthaginians the Numidians had little space to evade or retire into forcing them to stand and fight at a disadvantage in most places.

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