Friday 16 October 2020

ADLG-R Holy Roman Empire v Louis XIV French

For a change I played an ADLG-R game against Simon who wrote the amendments to ADLG to use them for the Renaissance period.

I went for the Holy Roman Empire (previously known as Hapsburg Austrian Imperial!) while Simon used Louis XIV French. I chose a mainly infantry army with limited cavalry support and a few light cavalry and dragoons and opted for a traditional deployment with the infantry in the centre and the mounted on the flanks:

Both sides think they have an advantage on their right and try to press home on that flank:

The Austrian left flank falls back to delay contact:

They push forward on the right though where they have the advantage of the hill and superior numbers:

The attack goes well and the French are taking losses:

On the Austrian left they face elite French cavalry with French Guard infantry closing quickly in support:

The French infantry close on the Austrian line but take losses from musketry:

The Austrian right is making good progress but on the left things are not so good as the cavalry are being overwhelmed. The stout German allied foot hold on well though and come close to breaking the French Guard:

Most of the French have been swept away by the Austrian right flank and the rest are close to collapse:

With both sides close to breaking the Austrians falter first and concede the battlefield to the French:

This was an enjoyable game which I thought I was winning right up until I lost! Simon had several units only a single hit away from being destroyed but the Austrians couldn't quite get the last hits on them to finish them off. 

Unfortunately with the new Covid restrictions in London this will be my last game at the club for a while so it will be back to playing solo Vietnam games and painting I guess!

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