Thursday 6 May 2021

28mm Terrain Builds

While I was recovering from a bout of Covid19 I wasn't really able to paint figures but did manage to make quite a few new buildings. These will mainly be used for Chain of Command (and maybe Sharp Practice).

First was a church from Empires at War, I've wanted a church for a while now but most models I saw were either too big, too expensive or both! This one is one of the smaller ones I could find:

Secondly a farm complex with damaged barn and stables, again from Empires at War:

Another Empires at War house:

Finally a small factory or industrial building, this time from Sarissa Precision:

They all came out okay I think despite me not being the greatest model maker! The Empires at War buildings being sort of pre-painted are a reasonable compromise between the expense of 4Ground and the need to fully paint Sarissa buildings. I've got some 20mm Sarissa colonial buildings to finish for The Men of Company B and some 28mm 4Ground Eastern Front buildings to finish off as well so hopefully they will be done soon!

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