Monday 31 May 2021

Chain of Command Operation Sealion additions

 Inspired by some of my club mates playing the recently released "24 hours from Romford" CoC pint sized campaign I bought some more figures and equipment for my Operation Sealion collection.

Firstly some ATS and Land Army girls from Bad Squiddo figures.


Land Army girls:

Nice figures if somewhat large and quite expensive, but then I guess it is a very limited market!

Next some Local Defence Volunteers from Warlord.

First group:

Second group:

I'm not sure I'd fancy taking on the might of the Wehrmacht armed only with a collection of tools but these men seem to be up for it. The left hand figure in the second group is a bit odd looking more like he is preparing to throw open his overcoat revealing his "weapon" underneath!

One of the scenario's requires a dispatch rider, this one is from Wargames Foundry and is part of the Home Guard Communications set:

Finally some heavy weapon support, again from Warlord.

Firstly the impressive looking Blacker Bombard:

The Smith Gun:

Finally the Northover Projector and the Great Panjandrum from the Dad's Army TV series:

All nice models though I'm not sure how many times I'll get to use them.

Looking forward to playing the campaign myself at some time in the future, it seemed great fun and reasonably balanced between the British and Germans though perhaps a hard task for the British!


  1. Nice additions to your collection. :)

  2. Thanks Tamsin, hopefully I'll get to use them at the club in a few weeks!
