Wednesday 26 May 2021

ADLG Early Carthaginians v Numidians

My second game post recovery, this time playing V4 ADLG using Early Carthaginians against Gordon's Numidians. The Carthaginians won the initiative and decided to attack in the plains. The terrain fell nicely for the Numidians and disappointingly the Carthaginians failed to get a waterway to close the table down a bit!

The Carthaginians deployed chariots and javelin men on their left, a strong mixed spearmen and Gallic centre with two cavalry in reserve and further chariots and javelin men on the right. The Numidians has skirmishers on their right followed by two groups of elephants and warriors in the centre with massed cavalry and more skirmishers on their right:

The Carthaginian centre advances as does the right. The Numidians advance all along the line. The Carthaginians are feeling rather outnumbered!:

As the lines close missiles are exchanged with the fire of the Balearic slingers being especially effective:

On the left the Numidians have continued their advance and gaps are starting to appear in the Carthaginian lines. On the right superior numbers of Numidian skirmishers are starting to tell with the Carthaginian supporting Numidians getting much the worse of the encounter:

The situation on the left also starts to deteriorate as the allied Numidian light horse lose against  their rivals while the Carthaginian javelin men fall back. The Carthaginian chariots could be powerful but have limited options to get into combat in the open:

In the centre the Carthaginians drive the enemy back but are having trouble catching up with them. On the right the allied Numidians are all disrupted now and in deep trouble:

On the left the allied Numidian cavalry have been dispersed leaving the javelin men little option but to try to avoid combat:

On the right the Carthaginians have been split up and are suffering from the Numidian's firepower. In the centre the spearmen and Gaul's are left with little to attack:

On the left the Carthaginians fall back but can't stop the Numidian's exploiting gaps in their lines:

The battle as a whole. The Carthaginians are taking a slow drip drip of losses from shooting and while they have inflicted a few themselves are unable to bring the Numidians to close combat where they would have the advantage:

The end is in sight for the Carthaginian left with the chariots unable to break through and the Numidians attacking weakened Carthaginian troops and exploiting open flanks:

Things are no better in the centre or on the right and the Carthaginian army slides to defeat!:

For once although I lost the game I'm not sure what else I could have done (other than choose a different army!). The terrain allowed Gordon to dominate much of the battlefield and the Carthaginians just couldn't get any of the Numidians into combat. 

This was exacerbated by a couple of changes to the rules, firstly that it is much harder to stop the enemy evading by getting behind them in that now not only do you have to be behind them but also facing the evading units and secondly that light horse can now ZOC all units making them much better at pinning the opposition and defending flanks.

I'd probably have been better off with Later Carthaginians who can have more cavalry and medium foot so maybe I'll try them next time and as always was great to play Gordon!

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