Thursday 7 March 2019

ADLG Granadine v Medieval Spanish

After the big 1st Bull Run game on Monday I thought it would be nice to play a quick game tonight so agreed to play Dave M's Medieval Spanish. Looking at potential historical opponents I decided to go for Granadine as I'd not used my Arab army for a long time and opted for a Berber ally.

The terrain fell mostly on my side of the table. Despite being the attacker I decided to hold back for a while (Crossbowmen do very badly against Knights in the open!) and let the Spanish come to me:

The Spanish Almughavars have tried to dash down the Granadine left flank but are faced with a wall of light cavalry backed up by some impact heavy cavalry. The Spanish knights have split into two groups, one moving to support the Almughavars and the other advancing on the Granadine right:

Spanish foot knights and mediocre spearmen push forward to attack the Berber spearmen. The single Tuareg camel man moves advances to distract the knights:

On the Granadine right shooting disperses some of the Spanish light cavalry and the Spanish are heavily outnumbered now:

The two blocks of infantry clash! Despite having the advantage the Berber spearmen do badly and quickly collapse:

The situation worsens for the Berber spearmen leaving a huge hole in the Granadine line:

On the right things are going better for the Granadines with the Spanish seriously outnumbered, taking losses from crossbow fire and looking likely to lose their camp:

The Granadine cavalry charge home on the Almughavars hoping to inflict some damage before they are surrounded. The charge achieves little though:

Most of the Berbers have been wiped out and the Granadine cavalry is struggling:

There is a huge gap where the Berber spearmen used to be:

On the right the Berber light horse loot the Spanish camp. The Spanish army is quite small (22 breakpoint) and, adding up the various losses mainly from shooting, the Spanish army is surprisingly broken!:

This was an odd game in that my army did dismally in almost all the combats even when they had advantages. I think I only destroyed two elements in combat and lost quite a few. However the shooting was the other way around, the Granadines shot down many Spanish light troops and with the camp that was enough for a win.

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