Monday 1 April 2019

ADLG Kushite Egyptian v Medes

Another outing for the 'Mighty Men of Kush', this time against Gordon's Medes.

Looking at the Mede list it seemed tough with supported heavy spearmen, lots of elite cavalry with bow and archers, javelin men, light cavalry and skirmishers to make up the numbers. To give the Kushites some attacking power I upgraded the chariots to Impetuous Heavy Chariots and dropped a slinger to make up the points.

Both sides deployed across the table with the Medes having a strong cavalry wing on the Kushite right, a large block of heavy spears in the centre and a mixed command of archers, medium spears and more cavalry on the Kushite left:

Both armies advanced on their right where they felt strongest and retired on their left pivoting around the plantation for the Kushites and the field-covered hill for the Medes:

The Kushite left falls back:

The Medes have broken formation, maybe there is an opportunity here for the Kushites:

The Kushites on the left form a coherent line while the Medes mill about uncertainly:

In the centre some Kushite cavalry delay the Mede spearmen. The Kushite chariots are badly placed facing rough terrain and the archers are trying to lure the Mede cavalry forward though it is unclear if this is a good idea!:

The left flank Kushite chariots are badly placed as well a long way from the action:

The Kushites charge home on the left with mixed results, destroying one Mede group but taking hits everywhere else:

Things get worse for the Kushites as the Mede cavalry joins in:

On the right the Kushite archers managed to get hits on all the Mede cavalry before impact but promptly collapsed in combat as did the Kushite light horse. The chariots are unable to help out:

Things continue to go badly on the left:

The last stand of the Kushite archers on the right:

On the left there is just a heap of bodies where the Kushite attack failed:

It's all over as the Kushite army breaks having inflicted minimal losses on the Medes:

I played badly throughout this game, I managed to get half my chariots trapped against a rough hill and the other half aimlessly left at the back of the army. On the right my cavalry were not able to support the archers and again were  wasted.

I think I probably had the worse of the combat dice and the command dice a few times but I doubt that affected the result much though the combat on the left could have gone my way with a little more luck. Ironically I'd probably have been better off sticking with the light chariots as they move faster and can shoot!

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